The winner of each league will win:
- More damage with pearl ammunition
- More structure slots
- More canons slots
● There's more to a jellyfish than meets the eye - its graceful movement and mesmerizing appearance can contain the most deadly of stings! This league is for ambitious and determined pirates on their way up the ladder. Stay alert, as you never know when what looked like a moon jelly turns out to be a sea wasp!
● Agile, versatile, tougher than they look, and full of surprises - pirate seahorses may not be able to actually look backwards and forwards at the same time the way the animal version can, but they are practised at keeping one eye on the horizon and the other peeled for trouble. This league is full of ruthless corsairs on their way up to the top!
● Oooh, barracuda! You've reached the big leagues, and no mistake. Fast, deadly, more fang than frown, willing and able to instantly retaliate against any threat: the fiercest pirates the Seven Seas have ever seen! No false modesty needed here, matey: there is no question that you're among the best of the best.
Ahoy Pirates!
Welcome to the Seafight League-System!
Based on your Elite-Level, you will start in one of the following leagues:
1st League (Barracuda): Elite Level 21-27
2nd League (Seahorse): Elite Level 11-20
3rd League (Jellyfish): Elite Level 0-10
Currently the Elite Points are needed to get into a lower or higher league. If you fulfill the requirements (enough Elite Points), you can ascend to the next league (but you can also descent when you don’t earn enough Elite Points!)
All players of each league will get rewards for the rank. A high Ranking results in good rewards - low ranked players will still be rewarded. The higher the league, the better will the rewards be. But all players get Competitors Coins, which are needed to buy items/buffs/equipment from the Black Market.
Your Elite Points bonus will be a league Benefit. So you will not lose your Elite Points Buffs! The Benefits will be a bonus to your cannon damage and your amount of HP and VP.
A Season will be finish and reset on the 15th of each month. The League Rewards will be booked, once a season ends.
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